The Swing | Teen Ink

The Swing

December 11, 2012
By sanammm BRONZE, Floresville, Texas
sanammm BRONZE, Floresville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wind swooshed in my long black hair.
It felt fantastic.
The feeling of flying overcame me,
And I let out a scream of pure exhilaration!

I gazed out at my surroundings,
As everything blurred together.
I caught glimpses of my parents’ loving faces,
Watching me from the ground.

Trees, whose branches seemed to call my name,
Waved from the distance.
My heart ached as the swing slowed,
And my feet hit the ground.

The only thought that could console me,
Was the fact that my parents,
Said I could go again.

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