What You Did | Teen Ink

What You Did

December 10, 2012
By Erica Porter BRONZE, Rapid City, South Dakota
Erica Porter BRONZE, Rapid City, South Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Across the sand the footsteps disappeared,
It was a map to where we had been.
It seems like it was yesterday
That we walked this beach together.
I thought it was right,
But you had other plans
That I didn’t see.
You broke my heart,
And that was your plan
To mess me up
So big and grand.
I relive those days all the time.
I look out the window
Just to see
The places where created memories.
You were a gentleman at first,
Before you quenched your evil thirst.
After the embarrassment I couldn’t look you in the eye.
I had no choice but to say good-bye.
Now you are miles away
And I am stuck here with the memories
Of those sun filled days when we were together.
I want to hate you
But I can’t.
Although you hurt me, you are part of my past.
You helped me,
Helped me be who I am today.
My friends told me it was to good to be true
I ignored them just for you.
Now that you are gone
I am all alone.
My friends have left me because there was no trust.
They told me that it would happen.
You would hurt me,
But I thought you were different
From the other guys.
I didn’t see that you were just in disguise.
I thought you loved me,
I was wrong.
You loved the idea of a summer girl.
I hope your girl back home finds out,
Just so you know how it feels,
To be left in the cold.
I wrote an ode for other girls
So they don’t go through what I did.

Love is overrated.
Love is never hated.
Love is always wanted.

Some say love is kind.
Some say it is patient.
But I say it is overrated.

Love can be lifelong.
It can be for a day.
It can even be for a few minutes.

Children date for two weeks
And already they are in love.
Love is overrated.

Open your eyes little sweetie,
Love is overrated.

If he truly loved you,
He wouldn’t kiss you all the time.
He would be sweet and get to know you.

He wouldn’t want in your pants.
He would wait until you are ready.
Love is overrated.

Please be smart.
Don’t go head-over-heels.
Love doesn’t always come that easy.

If I were you I would wait.
Think it over before you act.
You wouldn’t want a mistake as big as that.

It’s hard to tell in the moment.
But love is overrated.

This ode I wrote about you.
I hope you know the damage you did.
I cannot trust anyone,
Because you made that impossible.
You need to learn that a girl’s heart
Is not something to be messed with.
And maybe someday we will meet again,
And we can put this past us.

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