Save Yourself from Disappointment, Be Your Own Hero | Teen Ink

Save Yourself from Disappointment, Be Your Own Hero

December 20, 2012
By JessieCox SILVER, Fort Mill, South Carolina
JessieCox SILVER, Fort Mill, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've been lied to
I was taught to believe in you
The one I look to
The person I always trust

What happens when trust becomes nothing?
What occurs when you find there are no Heroes?
When you realize you have to fend for yourself?
And lean on no one but yourself?

I was lied to
I found out that I cannot trust
This finding helped me realize
Sometimes you have to be your own Hero

The author's comments:
In the short 15 years I have been alive, I have come to realize that when you rely on someone other than yourself, you're setting yourself up for failure.

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