A Dream Within A Dream | Teen Ink

A Dream Within A Dream MAG

December 19, 2012
By bum_life BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
bum_life BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember her.
She was small, delicate.
She had a smile that could light up this whole town.
I don't think anyone ever really tried to
talk to her.
Or get to know her.
But, I did.
I saw her, she was walking.
Humming oh so gracefully to the song
she was listening to.
The headphones in, the world out.
I stopped her, smile and asked her how
she doing.
She took out her headphones, smiled and replied with a simple “fine.”
The more I looked, her eyes said differently.
We walked in unison for awhile.
As she talked about all her favorite songs,
I would watch her tongue dance and swirl with every word that came out of her mouth.
Her piercing green eyes showing a
small sadness.
But every once in awhile, she'd smile a
real smile.
That gave me a funny feeling inside.
When she'd play with her hair, sometimes her sleeves would roll up.
I noticed the scars.
And that made my heart sink to know she was in the much pain.
I wanted to kiss her scars but I didn't
want to hurt her.
She was too fragile.
She's why I believe in love.
Why I believe in everything.
She's my heart,
my love,
my life.

The author's comments:
I wrote this from my own life problems.

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