Waves on the Sand | Teen Ink

Waves on the Sand

December 17, 2012
By Chelsea Ciccone BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Chelsea Ciccone BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pulled by the moon,
like the tide –
gliding across the sand.
Every grain tugs and
scrapes my fragile skin.
The sea whispers,
“Come to me…”
My body is all but
willing; until
the moon sings
her sweet lullaby.
I am drawn back
to shore.

My frothy fingers
trace the land.
I crave the
Exhausted by Water.

I am drowning.
no end to this
vast painting of
black, and blue, and grey.
Submerged to depths unknown,
there is no air,
no light,
no sound.
Nothing but blue, and grey, and black.


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