Sunrise | Teen Ink


December 17, 2012
By Crazylove GOLD, Crestwood, Kentucky
Crazylove GOLD, Crestwood, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"love life live it"

A earthquake erupts throughout my hands.
The rain

falling through the


between you and I

making a river.
The sun slowly trying to peek through to
bring the earthquake and rain

to a sudden stop.

Two different walls

are caving in at the same time

making it so hard to breath.
Feeling the guilt of betrayal.

Slowly finding an answer

Wishing I didn’t have to find it all alone

In the end

I must choose one path.
Making my way to sun light is going to be difficult
but I must chose my own path

in order for
the earthquakes eruption and rain to go away.

The author's comments:
This has to do with a person that is trying to make a choice between to love ones that he cares alot about.

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