My Music | Teen Ink

My Music

December 12, 2012
By Mr.Dominican125 GOLD, Miami, Florida
Mr.Dominican125 GOLD, Miami, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.
- Mark Twain

I ignore the outside world, as I
Put on my headphones
Because I can only be me
When I listen to music
I am no longer judged by what I wear
Or the friends I have
Or even the way I carry out
My daily routine
I am simply free
To express myself in
However I choose
I will no longer be condemned
To dwell in this ignorant world
Why should I care about your
Sexual orientation?
Who cares about who’s gay
Or who’s a lesbian?
I honestly don’t
Aren’t we all human beings
Shouldn’t we all be free to love
Who we please?
With that being said, don’t dare to
Judge me because I don’t care about
Whether you’re gay or not,
Or if I do not mind that we listen
To different types of music
Or watch different shows

With my music, I can be whoever I want
I can be that girl who vomits everything
Right after she eats
Just to fit in with a group of people
She doesn’t even like
Or I can be the kid who sits by himself
At lunch, because he’s being shunned
Away for being gay
I can even be the girl who
Sleeps around town, just to see if her
Parents can finally notice her
And by becoming these people
I can be able to relate to their problems
And judge them not by their choices
But by their will to
Overcome their obstacles
That’s all I can do with my music
And as I take off my headphones
And hand them to you
Do not reject, but welcome it…
Welcome to the world of
My Music

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