Nonconformist | Teen Ink


December 5, 2012
By sylvieandthemask SILVER, Windham, Maine
sylvieandthemask SILVER, Windham, Maine
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I'm melted down into my essence,
I spill over the edges of your Christmas cookie mold.
I used to try and hold myself in,
Laughing like a baby seal about to be clubbed
Because it's just so f*cking funny that life makes us do this s***.

Then I realized I don't want to conform.
I want to be a gaseous state in this world of solid people.
I want to have understanding and
I want to wear it like a tattoo
Clear and sharp and blue.
I imagine it snakes up my neck and across my strong jaw line.
I imagine it's pretty.

When you hold my bones I can hear them breaking
Into place.
My back snapping so it shines out my face.
Our sweat is the tears of my grandmother
When she had to make the right choice
And defy her family on her wedding night.
No one is a good catholic girl.

When I was young I kissed trees.
Each one had a different taste:
Sweet, bitter, salty, peaceful.
I'm starting to realize I'm an
Elm in a forest of pine...
Praying against Dutch elm disease.

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