Lily White | Teen Ink

Lily White

November 30, 2012
screamingwithmymouthsewnshut SILVER, Fishers, Indiana
5 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"This is my life. I am both happy and sad, and still trying to figure out how that can be."
"...until human voices wake us, and we drown."
"Not all who wander are lost."
"Everything has a crack in it. That;s how the light gets in."

Lily White,
hold on tight
you're too fragile
can't you see?

too innocent, filled
with too much naivety

I want to hold you
never let you go
never let you
see this world
in full

Lily White,
my saving grace
you didn't hold on
enough to fight
the demons who
come out to play
at night

Lily White,
now with hollow
eyes, skeletal body

Lily White,
black and blue
with smears of red
blooming too,

What happened
to the
Lily White
I knew?

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