No Escaping | Teen Ink

No Escaping

November 28, 2012
By Josilynn BRONZE, Lockhaven, Pennsylvania
Josilynn BRONZE, Lockhaven, Pennsylvania
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's not the breath you take, it's the moments that take your breath away"~ George Strait

The forest ever imprisons me,
trapped upon it's wretched floors,
scars begin to build from these harsh, unwanted thorns.
darkness seeping all around my hopeless tired soul,
never ending trees and confusing paths,
enough to scare a fool.
Running and running, till I can't take no more,
that is when I stumble upon a sandy ocean shore.
The sun is shining,
birds singing loud,
I go along to fit right in with the crowd.
Everything is in its place,
with all the love there is to embrace.
I run freely in the warm breeze,
not a thing could disturb me if it pleased.
At once, the sand begins to sink away,
that's when I appear on a cold winter day.
All the kids are out to play,
Santa will be coming with his reindeer and slay.
From the top of the hill I slide, down to the bottom, I collide.
No matter what I do I cannot hide,
the forest has me trapped back inside.

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