Through Another's Eyes | Teen Ink

Through Another's Eyes MAG

November 28, 2012
By younghabitat PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
younghabitat PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You create your own universe as you go along." - Winston Churchill

I am latent,
prickling beneath your fairy frame and
swiping my tongue up your spine
so we both can get a taste.
You're asleep; I'm ravenous,
coming back for more and surveying
a fragile, frictionless earth
(from the shoulder blades you call wings).
You blame me for the day that smelled like
rain and excess
for the day you welcomed me in.
And you call me bloodlust?
You did this to yourself.

I am latent,
and you came looking.

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