A Letter to the Sea | Teen Ink

A Letter to the Sea

November 25, 2012
By emem49 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
emem49 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Just then, Neville caused a slight diversion by tuning into a large canary.

all I have left of you, dear

is a jar:

just a part of your whole

a bit of your liquid soul,

your waves stilled


your bones are dust at the bottom,

the delicate hints of your scent muted

breath stale and unmoving.

and when the light hits you,

reflecting and refracting endless depths

shines through

I see you

full with the vigor you will always possess

to crush and destroy

form and create

content with the fortune you hold

dead and gone

new and bright

sweet when your whispers reach my ears

come home

come home

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