Coming Home | Teen Ink

Coming Home

November 24, 2012
By EddieT SILVER, Vancouver, Other
EddieT SILVER, Vancouver, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was one… you taught me how to smile
When I was two… you taught me how to bite
When I was three… you taught me how to walk
When I was four… you taught me how to talk
When I was five… you taught me how to count
When I was six… you taught me how to write
When I was seven… you taught me how to sing
When I was eight… you taught me how to dance
When I was nine… you taught me how to respect
When I was ten… you taught me how to observe
When I was eleven… you taught me how to strategize
When I was twelve… you taught me how to dare
When I was thirteen… you taught me how to advance
When I was fourteen… you taught me how to defend
When I was fifteen… you taught me how to persevere
For all the lessons you have given me, I shall become the apple of your eye
For all the work you have put into me, you shall see me from the sky
You have left me too young, and gone too young
But your wish has been granted for I have finally sprung
I am her greatest foe, as her to you
With you in my heart, I will always come through
Battles go on, wars to be won
You are my father, I am your son

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