The Past | Teen Ink

The Past

October 30, 2012
By LillyR. SILVER, Daphne, Alabama
LillyR. SILVER, Daphne, Alabama
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreams do come true!! No matter how many people say they can't come true.. every step you take in life should be towards your dream"

Your love is everything to me
like honey is to a bee
when your gone
the pieces of my heart are missing you
trying my best everyday to make it ok for
the pain you and me go through
to be at rest a single day

The word believe goes from strong to weaker
sometimes its hard to be a believer
when all i get is a amatory response
maybe my life isn't worth living the stress of your life
I just need to be happy agin
love might have been a wrong word for our false connection
or maybe its just me

Faith is keeping my heart strong
god put me on this path for a reason
even though the journey seems long
it was worth living for
as I see myself in the mirror I seem strong
when really my insides are screaming like a child in danger
how do I get out?

Sometimes I feel like your not holding on like I am
all i needed was someone there when I cry
but you don't seem to give a damn
you only put me in seven years of torture
having your nasty hands around me like a dog
abuse is a strong thing to deal with
believe me

All you are is a stupid boy
for making me think of ending my life
there was nothing else left for me to enjoy
god is all I had to lead me through
the horrific things you did to me
waking up everyday with a fake smile for seven years is cruel
especially to a young child

You wouldn't realize what you've been doing
after all the drugs and alcohol you've taken in
praying every night is the most i could do
besides falling asleep to the sound of my hurt heart
I knew killing myself would be a sin
Food nor water sounded good to me so,I was dyeing from the inside

My parents had no idea what you've been doing to me
nor the serious drugs that you've been involved in
not only the abuse, but the things you've been doing
only broke my heart even more
forgiveness was out of the question
for you have no business being involved in my life
but I was stuck, for there is nothing i could do

The author's comments:
No matter what happens, God is always there

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