It gets better | Teen Ink

It gets better

November 15, 2012
By malya SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
malya SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
If only. Possibly the two saddest words I know.

It gets better, my friend, It gets better. I swear.
I know that it's true. I've also been there.
I get that it's hard. I get it. I KNOW!
I've taken that test. I've put on that show.
I've heard all the taunts, the mocking, the jeers,
Endured all the smirks and the laughs and the sneers.
But I swear it gets better. I've been there. I KNOW!
I've taken that test. I've put on that show.
I've smiled through times when I've wanted to cry,
Suppressed all the aches and the heartbreaking sighs.
I've lifted my head high through all of their jokes
So they thought I didn't catch on when they spoke.
I made a new me who seemed gullible, dumb.
I quickly convinced them I found their "games" fun.
But for me it got better. For you, it will too.
Somehow we all make it. I've seen it come true.
We somehow escape from their powerful hold
And all of a sudden we're not scared. We're bold!
I've seen this all happen. I've seen it. I KNOW!
I've taken that test. I've put on that show.
And maybe with time you'll begin to forgive
And then you will find that you really can live.
But for you to reach that point you have to survive.
You won't see the good times if your not alive.
Then at that point, once you make it through,
you'll pass on the promise that I gave to you

The author's comments:
This is a shout-out to anyone who's put on that show. I've survived it and so have many others. You can make it too. You just have to keep hanging on. Never give up. IT GETS BETTER! I swear it.

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