This is me | Teen Ink

This is me

November 4, 2012
By Ms.Mustache BRONZE, Huntington Park, California
Ms.Mustache BRONZE, Huntington Park, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a reader a writer
A constant outsider
I'm emotionally unstable
And put under a label
Of loud music and being morbid

I am just like you
I enjoy trips to the beach too
Laying under the sun
Until I burn realizing this is no fun

I am a pessimist
Let's add that to the list
I am caring
But I'm not up to sharing
Mostly my thoughts
Because they're so distraught

Just like most of our society
I am a sufferer of anxiety
In my chest my heart pounds
So hard it feels like it'll hit the ground
Yes my thoughts are very atrocious
Most of the time they make me nauseous
You cant blame me for the way I think in my life
When this illness causes me so much strife

I love writing small
And going to the mall
I am claustrophobic
Not a homophobic
Because yes I like girls
And the ignorance of the world
Makes me want to hurl

I am someone with many hair colors
Ridding myself of my past mothers
I dye it blue, blond, red, black..
But brown is what always ends up coming back

I am a human looking at my complexion
In the mirrors reflection
I can't help but think, as I blink
That my life, with time
Will eventually be just fine

The author's comments:
I didn't hope to achieve anything while writing this. It was just something that came to me while listening to music.

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