Wings of A Butterfly | Teen Ink

Wings of A Butterfly

November 1, 2012
By LillyR. SILVER, Daphne, Alabama
LillyR. SILVER, Daphne, Alabama
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreams do come true!! No matter how many people say they can't come true.. every step you take in life should be towards your dream"

The wings of a butterfly
so beautiful and pure
happily fluttering in the sun
with no harm nor pain

If I could be a butterfly
so free and innocent
my life would be better
then it is now

The freedom would be exhilarating
no more tears from couch dazing
just being free from the pain
would be the best experience of all

If I were a butterfly
people would enjoy me more
there would be no more freight
by stepping out the door

The happiness I would fell
could make my heart seal
from all the pain in my life
I'm just waiting to take flight

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