Sea, See | Teen Ink

Sea, See

November 1, 2012
By Caittylee BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
Caittylee BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
-All that we see or seem / Is but a dream within a dream.
-I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat.

-Edgar Allan Poe

Sea, See

We aren’t so free,
you and me.
We can circle the sea to see if we’re free,

But where could we hide
And still see the sky?
We aren’t so different,
you and I.

When you’re lost in the world
And can’t seem to find,
that thing that you’re missing
to make you feel right…

We can circle the sea
And swim out of sight,
But what can we find
To make us feel right?

You own this land?
You can’t own it
You see,
Who owns the stars
And the some trillion galaxy’s?

It rolls off your tongue
‘cause it’s regurgitation,
but where’s your will
for some ratification?

Can we own this land
where humans are free?
Lets circle the sea
And see what’s to see.

People are brainwashed
And made to believe,
What all these conspirators
Want them to see,
Lets circle the sea
And see what’s to see
‘cause we aren’t so different,
You and me.

I’m here

But I’m there

And you’re here
But where?

Lets circle the sea
And challenge this dare,
‘cause we aren’t so different,
And this I swear.

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This article has 1 comment.

ProudTeach said...
on Nov. 6 2012 at 11:14 am
So much to think about here! Love the play on words, "See" and "Sea". Would love to see you post more of your writing!