Life in a Day | Teen Ink

Life in a Day

October 29, 2012
By SilverWordSmith GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
SilverWordSmith GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have a question! -Myself

At dawn I am born and arise. I awaken from a dark slumber of which is not my own will; but a realm of my creation. As I ascend, I banish away the shadows and illuminate my world, bringing elucidation to all I see and touch and hear. As my reach broadens, as does my understanding; I start to see all that consists of my kingdom and I realize that I can shape it, change it, even demolish it to my liking.
As the morning lingers on, I find that what I touch influences my world. To those that need it, I beam a soft glow of radiance and inspiration to guide them. And my luster beats down upon those that darken my domain and sway them to follow and appreciate my power, my guidance, my rule. I am their patron and muse; and they, the recipients of my creativity and motivation.
At high noon, I realize all of the life that is under my watch. All of the emotions and creations and dreams that I must observe. The love of those that surrounds each clan of fur and feather and fin and flesh. I must nurture everyone and everything. Protect and guide them.
In the evening, I consider all that I know and see and believe and think myself mature and tall. I see myself as a whole and as everything. I am the bringer of all and the destroyer of all. I am the great and first and final and only.
At twilight, the world I once defended and reigned over now plunges again into its own obscurity. The shades of chaos and nothing; of death and destruction and darkness. The ending of all and of mine and of me.
At midnight, I reflect upon all I have learned and found and experienced. All the love I have shared, all the hate I have discovered, and all the passion I have had and have given. The life of my own is plain but harsh. After all, I rule. After all, I am the great and first and final and only. However, I am merely the shepherd. The guide, the overseer, and the judge.

The author's comments:
Totally Random Poem! =)

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