The Things That Destroy | Teen Ink

The Things That Destroy

October 27, 2012
By EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I would rather say "I did it" than "I gave up".

Sometimes things happen that tear you down
And you don’t realize your being thrown to the ground
You think life could never get better
Thinking its spring in the middle of December
You look at the short term and not the long
You don’t really care what you’re doing wrong
You start living for the moment and not the future
Cluelessly realizing that your life is a rumor
Until one day you find yourself in a hole
And wonder what made your life so uncontrolled
You scream and cry wanting out
Your mind starts to ponder all of the doubts
You feel like your worthless and nothing but scum
Then you start wondering what you become?
What could you have done different so you weren’t where you were now?
But the answer to that is long gone anyhow.
So now you cry in bed, thinking of the past
Wishing that it didn’t have to go so fast
But even if it did stay even longer
You’d only be left in a puddle of tears to ponder.
So why do people want the things that will only destroy?
Even after knowing it’ll never bring full joy?
That’s a answer I wish I could give.
But what I do know is Jesus loves us and will always forgive.

The author's comments:
This poem explains that people tend to live for the moment and not the future. So they do pleasurable things that make them feel great for a little bit but don't realize that they may end up in a place they don't wish to be. Some decisions made can ruin someones life and most people don't think about the consequences of their actions until it's too late. People tend to do these pleasurable things to fill that empty space where happiness belongs, whether they realize it or not. But the pleasurable things are only temporarily and not a life time. But Jesus can fill that hole of happiness in your life. He will forgive everything you've done and love you no matter what. While the pleasurable items don't give a single care about you.

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