Goodbye my Hero | Teen Ink

Goodbye my Hero

October 25, 2012
By nichole orosco BRONZE, Nyssa, Oregon
nichole orosco BRONZE, Nyssa, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are no hero
You run when I come,
You hide in the dark when you know I am there
you sleep in the shadow I hide from,
there is no one around you.
You come around like you don’t know me.
Do you really think you are a hero?
You are no hero to me,
You are a liar, a cheater, a criminal.
you are a failure to me,
an evil man no one wants to see
You don’t deserve to be a hero,
You belong in the ground
with all the other monsters that hide
No one will ever find you,
You scream and no one will care.
a cruel man of the devil,
You hurt me and I will hurt you.
I will hurt you in the way you never would see.
You don’t need to breath,
you need to slowly feel the pain.
feel the pain you put me through
you hurt the people you love
and now they don’t want you.
Live peacefully in the ground you rot in.
no you don’t deserve to live peacefully.
live a life of horrible pain.
No one wants you in this world to live.
Feel the pain my love,
You belong in the underworld and shall suffer.

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