A Beastly Figure | Teen Ink

A Beastly Figure

October 23, 2012
By sincere_red SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
sincere_red SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
9 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every woman is wrong until she cries, then she's right, insantly"

The night was dark and the sky gloomy.
Owls hooted in the daunting trees,
Causing the silence to be shattered.
Crunching leaves sounded under foot as
A haunting figure moved through the night.

The woodland creatures hid, cowering
In their small rickety homes from the
Towering figure. The full white moon
Hung in the sky as the silhouette
Arrived at his far destination.

A castle white and gleaming against
The dark background. A home so grand, so
Magical, nothing could darken it.
A home fit for only a magical
Staff, a princely beast and his beauty.

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