What Was and Now is | Teen Ink

What Was and Now is

October 19, 2012
By nmkran BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
nmkran BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I speak,
But I am not heard.
Sound comes out,
But no one understands a single word.
And my cries, they are just denied,
No one knows how I feel inside.

I try to explain,
But it’s hard to describe such pain.
I have no one who understands,
No one who knows who I really am.

To feel alone,
In a place I’m supposed to call home.
How can that be?
And why is this happening to me?

I want to feel someone by my side,
Someone who will not, and has not lied.
Someone who will hold me all through the night,
And knows all of my flaws and loves me despite.

Now time has passed,
And I can say and last,
What I am looking for, I have found in you,
And I know now our love is true.

You’ve helped me become who I am today,
Without you there would have been no way.
You’ve helped me deal with the loneliness I’ve felt,
And helped me throw away the cards that I was dealt.

I will thank you forever,
Because now things are better.
You are the one and only,
Who could make me feel no longer lonely.

And now there’s only one last thing to say,
I’ve yet to figure out how you make me feel this way,
But you know I love you,
Forever and always,
Me and you together,
For the rest of our days.

The author's comments:
this is inspired my my boyfriend, i wrote this my junior year of high school

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