One Day at A Time | Teen Ink

One Day at A Time

October 17, 2012
By Christy_Zee BRONZE, Cibubur, Other
Christy_Zee BRONZE, Cibubur, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We might not last forever, but at least we're together now.
We might not tie the knot, but at least we imagined to do so.
That might be our last hug, but I thank every minute of it.
That might be our last kiss, but I'm in cloud 9 for every second it lasted.
Everyday it feels like our last, but that's what made us fight through.
Everyday it feels like it's going to end, but baby, I'm still here aren't I?
So here we are, let's just keep on dreaming.
Keep the worries living another day, they tell me we're still real.
Cage the pain in the back of your heart, they anchor me to reality.
Who knows where the wind might blow, but let's just adjust the sail.
Because dear, we'll get to forever soon enough when we do it one day at a time.

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