Piano and Pianist | Teen Ink

Piano and Pianist

October 16, 2012
By Christy_Zee BRONZE, Cibubur, Other
Christy_Zee BRONZE, Cibubur, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I envy the one sitting behind the gallant black body
Adores the smooth and dark grand body that stands strong
How can pianist even cope with so much black and whites in their life?
How can a piano stand so gallantly and create such wondrous melodies?
How does a pianist cope with eight of twelves in monochrome?
How does the beauty of the gallant monster that be throngs the stage stand strong?
Above all, how can they both merge into one, creating a priceless, golden sound?
These two powerful things are marvelous when they work individually...
But you combine the piano and the pianist, it becomes unbreakable treasure, an outburst of your soul, a contribution to the world of music, and a gift for everyone in the world.

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