Why I Write | Teen Ink

Why I Write

October 13, 2012
By kcourban BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
kcourban BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I write to express what speech cannot.
I write to show emotion, beauty, and chaos on a piece of paper.
I write to find myself. I write to discover. I write to explore. I write to learn. I write to heal myself.
I write to see things in an entirely new perspective, one that is more sophisticated than my own.
I write to show praise. I write to connect with fellow beings.
I write as a reminder of the power words carry.
I write for love, and beautiful people.
I write to release stress and anxiety, and transform my troubles to bliss.
I write to gain and share knowledge.
I write to challenge myself, to push myself, to guide myself.
I write to weigh values, pros and cons.
I write to say all the things I could never tell you in person.

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