Couldn't Love | Teen Ink

Couldn't Love

October 9, 2012
By Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are so many that I can't choose one :P

It was just
Too much to bear

Young lovers
Crossed at the wrong point

Knifes sliced their hearts thin
Too much was the price
Of the life

They weren't allowed to live
Too much was the sin

She loved
Someone who was

He loved
Someone who couldn't

She was fire by day
But a building ball of
Tears by night

Putting out the flames
That she called
Her light

Never were they considered

No one knew of the
Love that was stretched
Thin between them both

Love that dared
To fall into pieces

Yet tried to
Strengthen its self
Only to fail at the mercy
Of the knife

The knife
That sent them both to the grave

The knife
Was built of nothing but

Pain they couldn't take

Driven mad by the lust
And the mistrust

Driven mad
By the demons that
Inflicted their


Driven mad by the pain
Of the knife
In their chest

That never existed
Until that moment when she asked

What are we my Love?

Are we heartbroken fools?
Who will take anything they can get?

Or are we more?
Please dear love
Tell me we are more than that…

And as she asked
He knew
Deep in his mind

That he could never love this girl
Like she needed to be loved

He was a fly by lover

Never staying in one place to long

Just as soon as you thought he was yours
He was always gone

Never before had it bothered him so,
To see a girl cry from such misery and woe…

He left her in the dark, foreboding night

A rose left on her bed
A note attached that
Simply read

I’m sorry dear
But I could never love you
Till the

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