One Day | Teen Ink

One Day

October 1, 2012
By Anonymous

It was like a sleeping crow’s nest,
The kingdom’s silent truth,

They can see through the mist of the soul,

The memory is only a shadow,
The kings, the queens, the court,

They made dark choices,
Not themselves,

Their children,
Their grandchildren,

The people they swore to protect,
To serve,
Is this injustice?

This is selfishness,
The path that lies ahead for them,
We do not know,

Each sunrise,
And each sunset is another day closer,

Another day closer to when they will pay,

It will follow them,
The fear and the guilt,
The spirits and the truth,

Their bodies will be restless,
The shadows of the night will consume them,

One day they will know of darkness,

For them,
It won’t be angels, but demons to take them,

One day,
We will be free,

Our spirits shall linger under their noses,

The love they did not possess and the greed in which they did,
It will get the best of them,
One day,

The silent truth will become louder than any truth has ever been told,

One day

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