The Cave | Teen Ink

The Cave

September 27, 2012
By McJank BRONZE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
McJank BRONZE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's No Good. Even When I Look Straight Into The Milky Blue Eyes, I Can't Find Myself Anymore. When Did I Stop Being Me?" ~Water For Elephants

And the mighty lion laid his head for slumber. An airy growl wisps past his jowls. A fierce predator giving into the gentle lunar glow. Everyone know not to wake the sleeping beast. But what brave prey comes to the chilled cave to feast his eyes on the mighty lion whose body twitches to a world behind closed eyes. A fiery gaze. So easy it seems. So the roles have changed says the creeping prey; that now the glorified hunter becomes the pitied kill.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this short piece after getting out of an abusive relationship. The prey resembles the victim and the rage building up inside from being battered and tormented and to get revenge. I hope people are able to make that connection because there was so much emotion put behind those words.

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