The True Nightmare | Teen Ink

The True Nightmare

September 30, 2012
By Anonymous

Stillness creeps so closer still
Crippling the bones with unstaving chill
Screams ring out on through the night
Filling children's minds with frozen fright
Warts turn green, hands turn 'round red
Pumpkins howl as all the children fled
Costumes, just costumes they tell themselves
No needs to be afraid, monsters are like elves
Not real, not real, the mumble in deep sleep
Well, who said we had to be monsters to creep

'Harrah' they yell, throw up mangled fist
For the one 'n only day they truly exist
'Put on mask and cloaks and capes
Slide on your gloves, tear down the drapes
Go haunt on every child 'til the child no more
Then we shall rob and wreak the candy store'
Says the chief to his lumpy, gross friends
Sadly, the will all meet glumpy, fleshy ends
In the heads of the children they roam the night
But still the kids know to put them out of sight

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