motivation | Teen Ink


September 27, 2012
By kieanna BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
kieanna BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have to push myself over the edge.
I have to get there.
Somehow, someway
I can make it.
Through the darkness, over the hurdles.
I can beat them.
Just keep believing in myself.
Just keep pushing.
I have to ignore the people that to knock me down.
Don’t listen to them others because they are liars.
Follow my dreams and make them realities.
Just keep moving just keep pushing because one day you’ll make it.
Let the haters hate and the followers follow.
Let the people you love in don’t block them out.
I have to push myself over the edge I have to get there.
Somehow, someway I am going to make it!

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