Cupid's Arrow | Teen Ink

Cupid's Arrow

September 28, 2012
By BobbieRap BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
BobbieRap BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Im not perfect and i dont live to be but before you point fingers make sure your hands are clean.-Bob Marley

He shoots me through the air to an un-expecting victim’s hip.
Leaving them either attached or collapsed due to the sweet nectar on my tip.
The sick, separated, sorrow I’ve seen and the despair felt from knowing it was all caused by me.
Out of all the sons Eros is the alpha brother, left to do the dirty work for Aphrodite…his tramp mother.
Playing with people’s emotions because he doesn’t know how it feels. Never the one to be dealt the cards always the one who deals.
Ill prick him so hell fall in love, the hundreds he forced me to bless or doom hell soon regret.
Sweet vengeance he’ll soon get.
So now he’ll know what it’s like to go nights with no rest, and to constantly be reminded at the sadness in your heart by the aching in your chest.
True love is a gift only a special few will ever truly know.
Just like the one lucky seed whose bounty will one day grow.
Grow into a lovely, hot-tempered treasure.
A beautiful baby girl named Pleasure.

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