Zeus's Thunderbolt | Teen Ink

Zeus's Thunderbolt

September 28, 2012
By Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Kristen Calderoni SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am off again,
Shot out of the strong arm of the sky God Zeus,
He rules Mount Olympus and keeps it safe,
By day, he throws me battling the evils Gods and Goddesses that attack,
By night, he bows holding me as the Gods and Goddesses praise us for protecting them,
I sometimes feel shunned by Zeus because he takes all the credit I do for him,
Ow how that stings,
If I could, I would love a day off,
At night Zeus lays me by his bed while he sleeps,
His snoring keeps me up like a little new God or Goddess baby would with it’s crying disturbing it’s parents through the night,
I wish he’d put me in his closet door and shut me in there for the night slumber,
We are up bright and early again to take on those monsters that are blood thirsty for revenge,
Zeus and I shine bright,
In the nighttime sky as if they are dancing all night,
Sometimes I may hate this job,
But I would never trade it for anything else.

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