Just like moons and like suns... | Teen Ink

Just like moons and like suns...

September 26, 2012
By kieanna BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
kieanna BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just like moons and like the sun
Just like clouds and like stars
Just like kisses and like hugs

You and I are opposite, but that’s what makes us great

Just like happy and like sad
Just like I love you and I hate you
Just like water and like fire

You and I are opposite, but that’s what makes us great

Just like laughs and like screams
Just like puppies and like kittens
Just like night and like day

You and I are opposite, but that’s what makes us great

Just like silver and like gold
Just like hot and like cold
Just like for sale and like sold

You and I are opposite, but that’s what makes us great

Just like diamonds and like coal
Just like mud and like snow
Just like gloves and like socks

You and I are opposite, but that’s what makes us great

The author's comments:
this is just something i was thinking about so i made it into a poem and i really like it.

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