My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

September 26, 2012
By Garrett Fels SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
Garrett Fels SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My Room is filled with “clean this up.”
“Clean that up”
It’s filled with soccer cleats, balls, and shin guards all over.
It’s also filled with the electronics that get me through the day.
There’s also the hidden treasure I find under my bed,
Like the laundry that just couldn’t find its place.
But mostly my room is filled with memories.
I’ve only lived in this room for three years
And there are already so many memories.
Like staying up all night just to see the sun rise.
It’s where every night I do homework.
Most importantly it’s where I sleep.
I love to sleep!
So for that I thank you room.

The author's comments:
We read a poem in my class and i decided to write a poem off the idea of my room. It got me thinking more and more about me and my room.

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