Start of a New Beginning | Teen Ink

Start of a New Beginning

August 31, 2012
By mariah.LB BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
mariah.LB BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Surrounded by greenery and thorns,
a lonely speck of yellow forms.
Crusty along the edges,
burnt beyond repair, hanging on for dear life,
the beginning of the dead.

Faded shreds crumble at the feel of my hands.
Trying to stay perky and green forever,
but knowing their time will soon end.
Shocked by the idea they sink deeper into the ground,
but knowing for a fact
they will soon be back around.

The siren of the animals burst from the woods.
The buzz of a fly rings in my ear.
It’s flying frantically trying to avoid
being absorbed by the sun,
also avoiding the fact
it’s time is soon to come.

A gust of wind past under my nose
leaving the scent of burning nature as it goes.
Carrying on a smell I don’t know.
It passes by leaving me alone.
I inhale, and then exhale, just to let it go.

An unfamiliar taste lingers on my tongue
probably the suffocating heat and the burning of the hot sun,
but something else is there too.
Something where everything falls,
the end of summer, the end of green,
the end of nature’s fire

the start of a new beginning.

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