Speak Ocean | Teen Ink

Speak Ocean

August 30, 2012
By alyssa14 BRONZE, Yelm, Washington
alyssa14 BRONZE, Yelm, Washington
3 articles 40 photos 0 comments

A place of peace
In human dreams
Where one finds
Mother Nature sleeping

Warm, soft, moldable ground
We sink our sorrows under
Our feet, taken away
And traded with encouragement
As we build our sandy world
Filled with castles

Smell the natural sea salt
A natural high to some
While gazing up at the twinkling souls
Who are not lost, nor forgotten
But are now glimmer
In the night’s eyes

The sun winks so slowly
Looking up and down
And all around
To watch us rest and play
Upon it’s glow

She lies down
Breathing upon us
The breeze still so gentle

Lost lumber
We sit upon wondering
What its story is
And why it lays before us

Depending when and where
The fire is set, and of what
Wood you use
It will share with us
A beauty beyond compare
Blue with green, Purple tied to pink
Or the well known red and yellow

As we tell stories and jokes
The fire dances of his life
For so short and beautiful it is

The light catches his breath
Licking up the air
I warm myself from its energy
My family laughs and sings

Moon beams at herself
Across the surface
Of the ocean green and blue
The tide rise to stare at her presence
As it has many moons before

Nature awakes rising slowly
Deepest pink, muddy lavender, sulky blue
And orange of the liquid staged metal
Stretch out before lost
Again in the sky blue

Seagulls cry of hunger
Whales sing of their children
Father calls my name
It is time for me to leave

I walk the grassy plains
That sways to the winds tune
Beyond to the dirt that hold
The truck that dreams of home
I look back the last time
To say good bye
And this is what I see in view

The ocean roars its story
To all who listen
Kelp, shells and foam
Glance back at me
The sea so blue
Waves back to me

The ocean speaks, though
Not in human voice
But Mother Nature has a way
To whisper to those pure of heart
And loves her back so

Nothing stays pure as gold forever
I see this as I leave
Yet on the drive
I think back and know
This is not goodbye
Some time, whether I too
Become a star or not
Shall see the
Distant shores again

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