Something in My Closet | Teen Ink

Something in My Closet

September 20, 2012
By AbbyCat BRONZE, Palm Coast, Florida
AbbyCat BRONZE, Palm Coast, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -Albert Einstein

There's something in my closet,
And it's growing quite loud.
It giggles and it scratches,
It's obviously pretty proud.

There's something in my closet,
But my mother says it's fake.
There's nothing to worry about, darling.
We can fix anything with tape.

There's something in my closet and it's clawing it's way out,
So I opened the door and suddenly found out.
It's little head was knock, knock, knocking.
So I took the batteries out.

There's something in my closet,
but it's not my little toy.
It's got long sharp teeth,
And a smile that's just too coy.
Though when I go to sleep I know it will all go away,
I'm still paranoid that it might come out to play.

The author's comments:
As a child, I was always afraid of what monsters waited in my closet for the perfect opportunity to grab me; this relates my irrational phobia.

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