Hands | Teen Ink


September 8, 2012
By jfreak18 BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
jfreak18 BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

His hands.
Fingers pale and slender
Soft with wrinkled knuckles
He strokes his guitar strings
Deals a deck of cards
Eats a sandwich
Grips a steering wheel
Carries people piggyback
Breaks hearts unintentionally
There are four spaces between his fingers
where mine have always fit
My hands.
Fingers tan and wrinkled
rough palms and smooth knuckles
I caress the pages of a book
Write a sad poem
Try on thrift store clothes
Eat cereal
Clench the TV remote
Unintentional broken heart
There are four spaces between my fingers
Where no one wants to touch

The author's comments:
I have never wrote about a body part. It is my new inspiration. Hope you like it:)

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