The Admiration | Teen Ink

The Admiration

September 7, 2012
By Courtland Brown BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
Courtland Brown BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your productivity excites me.
The complex smile,
the strut, the admiration.
I adore your dreams.
In your aspirations, I belong.
You, I accept. The flaws make you
Your grace compliments your beauty.
The impregnable style; the profound
The admiration.
The potential you posses, creates an unstable environment;
one in which I have no choice.
One in which I must show dire interest in you!
I lust for your thoughts. The way your eyebrow gradually curves
shows me how intuitively you think.
The admiration.
Alone, you sit, in your own creative upper class.
Confide in me. Allow me the opportunity to ingest your secrets.
The way you bear those significant
physical features.
All because of,
The admiration

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the love of my life. It was my admiration in which she deserved. This poem deried from her actions.

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