Marriage is a Bow | Teen Ink

Marriage is a Bow

September 4, 2012
By Amber1998 GOLD, Northbrook, Illinois
Amber1998 GOLD, Northbrook, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Marriage is a bow,
tied together in a tight knot.
Glued in resilient arrangement,
in exquisite symmetry.
Reflecting the light,
gleaming with pride.
Mighty and blissful,
firm and strong,
the bow shall stand.

But, bows become withered,
and many times loose.
The fixed knots come apart,
lies flimsy,
feeble on the ground.
Now, just a piece of ribbon,
dark and forlorn,
fragile and helpless,
the bow shall fall.

The author's comments:
This poem is a comparison between marriage and a bow. It is aimed the make readers feel informed and understand that marriage can be pretty or ugly...just like a bow. This poem is in two stanzas, nine lines each.

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