Blue Skies, Brown Seas | Teen Ink

Blue Skies, Brown Seas

September 2, 2012
By Moniyka.Sachar GOLD, Fremont, California
Moniyka.Sachar GOLD, Fremont, California
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one does anything perfectly. The successful are the ones who can accept imperfection and move on." - Moniyka
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that has." - Mead

I say, what’s in a name?
If I’m president, leader, king, or captain,
Must everyone follow my rules of the game,
Even if it entails committing a vile sin?

What of the ambivalent young?
Who demur my blue dictums and rules
Must they bite every inquiring tongue,
For fear of being called divisive fools?

I have had a histrionic change of mind
No longer do I desire obsequious, complaisant men
Instead, civilians who cure predicaments they find
Not with a mighty sword but the illustrious pen

Challenge the dogmatic authority, I say
Stop your equals from overpowering you
As radical youth procure revolution day by day
Empower yourself, others, and the impoverished too

I am America.

I say:

Throw tea into harbors

Until the vast sea is brown

And change has come.

The author's comments:
In the title “Blue Skies, Brown Seas”, “Blue Skies” represent authority figures, and “Brown Seas” represent citizens, especially youth and adolescents. The “skies” are literally above the “seas”, analogous to how authorities are above citizens in social hierarchy, yet authorities have “blue dictums and rules” which can cause disarray and melancholy. Citizens have changed the color of the seas from the standard blue-green to brown in rebellion, which is much more than the authorites have ever done. The color change occurred by symbolic tea parties, representing the citizens struggle for their voices to be heard and their revolting cries to be answered, similar to the Boston Tea Party in 1773 when colonists fought for less taxes among other rights.
Also, the skies and the sea are constituents of the water cycle, in which water evaporates from the seas and is condensed into rain in the skies. This cycle is self-regulating, and is analogous to how citizens should respectfully question and regulate the rules of authorities, to ensure a progressive, dynamic society.

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