Beautiful Stranger | Teen Ink

Beautiful Stranger

September 1, 2012
By MauriceC BRONZE, Arrington, Virginia
MauriceC BRONZE, Arrington, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Just two things , I'm Loud and Proud "

You must be a stranger,
A beautiful stranger in rare form,
A loving soul lost a twilight,
In the in between, loving someone who doesn't know who I am,
Someone who thinks they love me,
But I'm not who they think,
Your tender kiss, kisses me
While your harmless hands caress me,
You brained wash me into believing that I could fall in love,
but how can you begin to think about loving someone you barely know,
I'm a stalker with a loving heart,
A beautiful stranger that's all.

The author's comments:
There's a such thing as love at first sight, but its only when a strangers catches your eyes.

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