Your Beautiful | Teen Ink

Your Beautiful

August 25, 2012
By WishesComeTrue GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
WishesComeTrue GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
12 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you say life sucks, you can always change it because lifes what you make it."

Even when your feeling like no one cares to give you a little attention your should know your beautiful.

People put you down
People plan to ruin your day
People say mean things
People really don't think
But in the end you should remember you are still beautiful.

You can be depressed
You don't have to be the prettiest
You can be yourself
You can never be anyone else
Its all because your beautiful

So instead of looking down you should always have a way to turn it all around because your beautiful.

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