The Watery Pits of Hell | Teen Ink

The Watery Pits of Hell

August 23, 2012
By Anonymous

I open my eyes to see nothing

White light burns and blinds my sight

A room I can see as pupils adjust

Of white, of purity, of mystery and confusion

A room of nothing

A room of only a bed and door

Where was I?

Where has my sinful life landed me?

The door, the answer

The sign swaying in lazy breezes on the other side knows

I open the door

I look

I read

I sigh in relief as my eyes glide over the beautiful script that reads: Heaven

I have made it

I have succeeded

I have gotten by to earn eternal happiness

But wait

My love, he is missing

I am alone in this white room

What is eternal peace if I still live alone in body and mind?

My love

Is he in Hell?

Is he burning in the forever pit of fire?

Not nearly as painful as being apart form his love

I run. I run.

I sprint to the cliff upon which bounds Hell in a deep canal

I kneel over the side

And wipe my eyes as sight falls upon his face in Hell

He gazes up at my sorrowful mourning and smiles at tears of pain

He smiles and he waves

As he sinks deeper into a watery Hell

Water was Hell and not fire as foretold in the bible

‘Tis an endless pit, canal of water that one cannot tread

For eternity he will drown

He will crave air as his lungs burn

He will forever die without dieing

My love is in Hell and he smiles at me in Heaven

“I did it.”

The sentence whispered in my mind secrets untold

He did it

He was the one who awoke in Heaven

He was the one who made it by

He found me in this watery Hell

And bargained his soul for mine

He was willing

To suffer forever

To ensure my happiness

My safety

He was willing to die without dieing

So that I may live in peace

I screamed and cried in a new mourning pain

I felt a pain in my unworthy heart

Because my love

Loved me more than I loved him

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