The Collision of our Collide | Teen Ink

The Collision of our Collide

August 20, 2012
By Niina BRONZE, Duck Lake,
Niina BRONZE, Duck Lake,
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most unfortunate thing that happens to a person who fears failure, is that he limits himself by becoming afraid to try anything new... Give Youself A Chance!"

I remember the first day we met,
it was the best day yet; in which
I'll never forget. In our beginning
I actually thought you wouldn't be a regret.

Now having you in my life made
everything better, because we ended
up being together. You were the one
who brought me back to life. You
helped me in what I needed to be is
a believer.

I love how I had you all to my own.
And the way our feelings for one
another have only grown. Then you
saying to me "I Love You!" late at night over the phone. Being with
you, I`ve never felt alone.

Ever since those days, and now
everyday you run through my thoughts. Than I knew this was more than just some crush, because everytime you looked into my eyes, you gave me a rush. I loved that feeling in my heart.

You were like a rare word that hardly starts with ``z.`` At least thats what I`d thought you`d be, but then I turned around and you fooled me. I guess it wasn`t a surprise, because I had a feeling you were going to leave.

I thought you were my one and only.
When I last looked at you, you looked right though me. That`s when I realized there was never a ``we,`` and the majority of the time you couldn`t see.

It`s great knowing you`re like the other guys, now I don`t have to put up with all your lies. It makes sense now, because towards the end, all there was, was cries. You changed the very moment I refused, and now I`ll never know why.

Little did you know this girl, would ride or die.

The author's comments:
Experience and heartbreaks from relationships, in the past.

Basically my first real relationship, and the first fall.

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