Not My War | Teen Ink

Not My War

August 15, 2012
By MickieG BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
MickieG BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain - Karl Marx

You don't understand
they talk all the time
to me, and only me
no one else can hear them

I've been told they're fake
that it's just my imagination
but I swear they're real
why wont you believe me?

I was shocked one day
to find they had names
my tormentors got real
they became people

people with knives
shaped like cruel words
people offering ropes
to hang my troubles on

my world plummeted
into total oblivion
the universe watching
and not caring one bit

I didn't speak for days
but they screamed at me
they showed me things
I wish they never had

my actions became theirs
my body was their paper
they wrote on me daily
no one even took notice

in time I fought back
to the world it was simple
just elevate your mood
but it wasn't that easy

fighting the monsters
their knives vs my spoons
an entire army against me
I had no help or hope

then I met my army
it consisted of me and her
she protected my world
I just wish I could fix hers

she fights my battles
but refuses to fight her own
I offer her my best sword
but she puts up her shields

I only hope for her sake
if we win my war together
that we can start on hers next
but that's just a simple dream

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because one day I just decided to pick up my computer and write. In all reality I want people to get from this poem that you're not crazy till a doctor says you are.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 16 2012 at 7:24 pm
maddireigle SILVER, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
7 articles 2 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in this world."

I really like this. From the beginning to the middle you had perfect descriptions and imagery and all. Toward the end I wish you'd have been more descriptive, only because the rest got me hooked. Check out a few of mine? Thanks, good luck with your work(: