Love is a Four Letter Word | Teen Ink

Love is a Four Letter Word

August 2, 2012
By AshleyMariee BRONZE, Bailey, North Carolina
AshleyMariee BRONZE, Bailey, North Carolina
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower."

Love is a four letter word.
Love is a two pronged sword.
It lures you in with its heavenly powers,
Then it chews you up and spits you out,
And locks you eternally in its tallest towers.
I love someone with all my heart,
Yet it still seems that no matter what,
Our hearts always find their way apart.
Whether it be wrong words said,
We always put ourselves in a rut.
It could be a mistaken joke,
An eye contact that was misread,
Losing him is the thing I most dread.
I’ve grown up loving him,
Without him the future appears dim.
I don’t know how to be without him.
I wish things could just be easy,
That they’d just always fall perfectly into place.
Instead it always has to be a chase.
I have to chase his heart, his eyes and his mind.
I have to have his attention all of the time.
I don’t like being this way,
All clingy and in dismay,
But I need him more than anyone could know.
In a way that I’m unsure of how to show.

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