Cicatrix | Teen Ink


July 30, 2012
By molo721 GOLD, Hendersonville, North Carolina
molo721 GOLD, Hendersonville, North Carolina
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fluorescent light illuminates my pink flesh
a bug, a cell. under magnification in a
stark, chemical lab

I grab
But I lack enough hands
to cover my own imperfections
splattered upon me in colors
blood red, black, blue, pale
shivering white

tears of fright
well as I bite my cheeks, feel them bleed
smile at the blur

an indistinguishable whirr
flesh, teeth
of a youth
Humanity ?
It cannot be

The girl screams with laughter
Again again again again she screams
A joke
A story
I hate what I do not know

without warning, the fluorescence overtakes
the cells explode. The ant
sizzles on the concrete
in the blinding fate of an artificial sun

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