Abuse in Beta Testing | Teen Ink

Abuse in Beta Testing

July 25, 2012
By Saturnreturnz BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Saturnreturnz BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keep my hands with love 
Keep me from rays and rain
Someone, anyone
Lick my wounds and take my head 
In arms of silk and soft plush

There's nails in my head 
And beds of spiders rattle 
In my empty ears.
So I thrash around a hole 
Left in the school yard today

I catch friends in fists
And, bundling their collars 
I lift them up, then
Down toward the open ground.
I now stand on a mountain.

The digital yard 
Where every printed word stings;
A punch to the Face.

The author's comments:
There's is only a slight difference between a punch to the gut and a nasty IM.

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